Maizie's Road To College

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Step 3

I may be getting a little ahead of myself, as I am only a sophmore in highschool. So figuring out what I should do now, in terms of classes,
extluar cerriculars (i dont care about my spelling do dont judge) and much more.
I am currently enrolled in majority honors classes, which will most defiently help me, particulary with my gpa.
Either way, I know what classes to take wil lead me to what ever college I wish

so because I am intirsted in majoring in phyc, interrior design, realestate and buisness, it would be important to take the following classes

look how pretttyyyyy teheh

  1. buisness
  2. english lit.
  3. calc

I ve been talking to my college counciler and shes recomeneded me to take these as they will come in handy for my transsrcipt to
look better to the colleges I have been eyeing. She wants me to do another math class next smester, which im not exactly thrilled about,
but i know its all for the better. She also recomeneded me to not take my english class thats intregrated into my acadmey
next year and take Enlish Lit Ap instead. This may not seem like much to evyerone, buuutttt my favroit enlish teacher
teaches the class and I realy dont want to leave it, but oh well :(